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School uniform items can be purchased at the school office. No Jeans or brand names are permitted to be worn as part of the school uniform. In line with SunSmart practices, all children must wear a school hat and sunnies when outside during Term 1 and Term 4. Hats and sunnies are available over the counter at the school office.

If for some reason your child is at school out of uniform please supply a written explanation and a Uniform pass will be issued. We thank you for supporting our Student Dress Code policy and ask for your assistance in ensuring your child comes to school appropriately dressed. Please contact the school if you require further information.

Parents please note that is most important that ALL student’s belongings; uniforms, bags, books, hats etc be clearly labelled with the child’s name. This ensures that when your child misplaces an item, it can be found and returned.

Purchasing School Uniform:
To purchase school uniform, visit the school office.